Our foremost core value

Safety Culture

Safety Leadership


“With Safety as our foremost core value, our collective goal is to eliminate all injuries, occupational illnesses, unsafe practices and incidents of environmental harm from our operations.  In doing so, achieve a work place where nobody gets hurt and everyone gets to go home safe and well. Our values inspire our actions and confirm that safety is core to how we operate. The attributes of our safety culture and our Life Saving Behaviours provide the backbone to our safety systems and help reinforce our safety performance in all of our operations and the people running them”

Ernest Jacob
Managing Director, BEINIT Energy DMCC

Safety Leadership

BEINIT Energy systems and processes, procedures and policies, all serve to structure, organize, prioritize, educate and communicate our safety vision and business objectives to raise awareness, reinforce best practice and drive good performance. This is only ever achieved by creating a culture; a safety culture across our operations.  Systems and processes embraced by a strong safety culture, open to continuous improvement, allow us to realize our Safety vision.

Effective safety leadership combined with BEINIT Energy SSH&E performance supports our Group-level business objective of being a Contractor of choice. Behavioral Programs are proactively implemented to support continuous improvement intitiatives and facilitate change.